Let's talk Essential Prepping!!

Let me introduce myself, my name is Lory Seffrood. I am a Certified Family Aromatherapist. I have studied and used oils for several years. In them I have discovered a medicine cabinet that significantly reduces our need for any over the counter Pharmacy remedy. Recently becoming more aware of the Prepping practices of nearly 3 million folks in our nation, a need has risen that I can confidently address!

As a Prepper, you must consider what you would do with a small cut or insect bite or poison ivy rash without any medical attention. In the beginning they seem small issues but without care one cut becomes infected and you have a very big issue very quickly. I have some vital suggestions to maintain vitality and health without access to Pharmacology...

I will be spending the next months constructing a "go to Oil" guide for Doomsday Preppers. There is tons of info on food saving, water stores, getting ready at arms, bunkers and foraging. I have seen nothing concerning the "what to do" in case of a simple cut? A bee sting? A fever? This info may be out there but I have seen nothing of it so I offer a solution!!! My expertise on the subject.

In a "Doomsday" situation there will most likely be no access to Pharmacy or medical advice for even simple things and a good Prepper wouldn't rely on that any way....so Let's begin!! We will construct a handy, fast reference guide to pack in your pocket to cover the situations we can think of in advance.

I have begun to build a small e book for download and print. The Oil E book will be available here upon completion. I will build a small self contained portable "box" filled with oil info and situation solutions. It will be 3x5 for easy packing in a plastic self contained box for fast reference. I will keep the essential oils needed to a minimum. Oils do have expiration dates, how you store them matters, so I am going to offer other solutions equally as effective and equally as natural keeping oil info to minimum dependence. I understand the need for these solutions to be portable so I will suggest things that are highly portable and easily stored.

With every E book sold, I will give up the name and web address of my most prized essential oil supplier as a gift. My supplier will save you hundreds of dollars!! I don't sell oils, I don't intend to sell oils so I have no biased except that of quality, honesty and price! I have done some serious homework to find all of the above and never before released this info. I held it my closely guarded secret. I now see the need to share!

Be sure to subscribe for all the new postings on this!! I will post weekly concentrating on Prepping.
You are invited to post questions regarding the use of oils, or simple natural solutions to everyday Natural Pharma in a "Doomsday" situation.

so let's get gathering!!

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